| JBL Symec is a synthetic filter floss which does not release any harmful substances into the water. It is suitable for use with both mechanical and biological filtration systems in either freshwater or saltwater aquariums. JBL Symec can be used on ist own or in combination with any other standard filter material.
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 | JBL BioNitrat Ex is the easiest method for the reliable biological removal of nitrate in fresh and marine water aquariums. JBL BioNitrat Ex consists of filter balls, which are made of bioplastics, which serve as an ideal food source for nitratedegrading bacteria. That means that denitrifying bacteria preferably settle on this material to break it down.
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 | JBL Micromec are sintered bio-glass balls for aquarium filters for breaking down pollutants. For use in freshwater and marine water.
| JBL Micromec biological filter material organic sintered glass beads intensive water clarification | 15.85 €* |
 | JBL SintoMec is a highly porous bio filter material made from sintered glass, which is particularly good for intensive biological long-term filtering in freshwater and marine water aquariums. The special conical tunnel pore structure together with a wall thickness of 5 mm offers beneficial micro-organisms the best possible conditions. This guarantees efficient breakdown of the pollutants ammonium, nitrite and, with reduced current flow, also nitrate.
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 | JBL SymecMicro is a dense fleece made of water neutral artificial fibres, which removes micro-fine clouding from aquarium water in the shortest possible time. It can be used in any design of filter. A pack of JBL SymecMicro contains a floss mat measuring 250 x 750 mm, which can be simply cut with scissors to the size required.
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 | JBL Clearmec plus is a mixture of baked clay beads and special resins. It helps to reduce all substances in the water which tend to promote the growth of undesirable algae. It absorbs phosphate, nitrite and nitrate without removing important trace elements.
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 | JBL Cermec is a filter medium consisting of porous ceramic pipes suitable for use in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. JBL Cermec can be used as a mechanical prefilter medium for coarse particles or as a biological filter medium. The hollow structure provides ideal conditions for beneficial bacteria, whilst at the same time allowing excellent rates of water-turnover.
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 | JBL NitratEX Although nitrate (NO3) is non-toxic, it stunts the growth of fish and plants and leads to the excessive growth of algae in aquariums and ponds. Nitrate is only broken down by bacteria under anaerobic (oxygen-free) conditions. These occur, for example, in the floor covering material or in the reef rock of saltwater aquariums.
| JBL NitratEX Filter material for the rapid removal of nitrates | 11.39 €* |
 | JBL Carbomec activ is a highly activated filter carbon used to remove any residual medication, discolouration of the water and high molecular organic pollutants from freshwater aquariums. JBL Carbomec activ should only be used for a short length of time (max. 2 weeks) to remove residual medication or discolouration in freshwater aquariums.
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 | JBL Carbomec ultra is an activated carbon in pellet form with extremely high absorbtion capacity. lt is particularly well suited for the long-term removal of discolouration and high molecular organic pollutants from saltwateraquariums. JBL Carbomec ultra does not release phosphate into the water and does not increase the conductivity.
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 | JBL SilikatEx rapid is a synthetic iron oxide hydroxide which can bind high amounts of silicate and phosphate extremely quickly. It is ideally suited for lowering unwanted silicate contents in freshwater and saltwater. available soon | |