O novo Filtro interno EHEIM biopower 240 é um filtro interno de alto desempenho para aquários de aprox. 160 até 240 litros de conteúdo. Filtragem múltipla como com um filtro externo.
Actual product may vary from the image shown.
O novo Filtro interno EHEIM biopower 240 é um filtro interno de alto desempenho para aquários de aprox. 160 até 240 litros de conteúdo. Filtragem múltipla como com um filtro externo. Design de filtro modular com cestos de filtro fechados preenchidos com EHEIM SUBSTRATpro e um filtro de entrada equipado com um cartucho de espuma EHEIM Filter original. Numa única operação, o EHEIM biopower 240 assegura a limpeza mecânico-biológica da água do aquário com circulação permanente, movimento específico da superfície e fornecimento de oxigénio controlável. O regulador de saída determina o caudal desejado e o enriquecimento de ar pode ser regulado através do difusor ou do tubo de bocal. Nos recipientes de filtragem, os cartuchos de material espumado permitem uma limpeza mecânica e o EHEIM SUBSTRATpro uma purificação biológica eficiente da água. O novo sistema Easy-Click-System permite um desbloqueio simples do cesto do filtro. O clip vermelho pode ser facilmente substituído por um clip cinzento (incluído). O prático suporte permite que o filtro seja posicionado dentro do aquário e removido com facilidade.
Dados técnicos Filtro interno de alto desempenho EHEIM biopower 240:
- para aquários de aprox. 160 até 240 L
- Desempenho da bomba: aprox. 280 - 750 l/h
- caudal ajustável
- cabeça de distribuição: 0,6 m
- Consumo de energia: 8 W
- Volume do filtro: 450 m³
- Dimensões: 96 x 325 mm (diâmetro x altura)
- quatro cestos de filtragem
- incl. difusor e tubo de bocal
- pronto a usar com cartucho de filtro e EHEIM SUBSTRATpro
- 3 anos de garantia EHEIM
- para aquários de aprox. 160 até 240 L
- Accessories for this article:
Please click the description in the table, or the number in the picture for selecting a spare part.Nr. spare part 261806 EHEIM Filter cartridges for aquaball/biopower 261808 EHEIM Filter cartridges for aquaball + biopower 400294 EHEIM Hose transparentr 4/6 mm 400296 EHEIM Luftregulierventil 721556 EHEIM Cover grate for biopower 721552 EHEIM Filter bottom for aquaball 721554 EHEIM Holder for aquaball 727110 EHEIM Suction cup 735420 EHEIM Tensioning ring aquaball 744406 EHEIM Output regulator with Diffusor aquaball 744407 EHEIM Pump cover with bushing aquaball 744461 EHEIM Prefilter with cartridge 744462 EHEIM Filter canister biopower 744715 EHEIM Pipe Plug Set 748050 EHEIM Shaft with bushings 765544 EHEIM Impeller 50 Hz for biopower 2413 721559 EHEIM Filter bottom for biopower -
Reviews for Filtro interno EHEIM biopower 240:
Write a reviewRoman K. at 09.03.2017:
EHEIM biopower 240 is a convenient reliable filter for aquariums small volume.Ernst A. at 23.03.2016:
This model of internal filter is very reliable, quite and capable to turnout significant amount of tank water capacity and I can make statement that it is very impressive in consideration of such compact size of this filters. Additionally I think it's very attractive price positioning for this product in consideration of very high quality of German product. I'm happy that in my tank ecosystem it's absolutelly successful investment.I'm 100% satisfyed!
And highly recommend to all to whom this filter is feasible of course according with tech specs.
Алексан& at 16.02.2016:
Получил этот фильтр в комплекте с аквариумом на 180 литров. Превзошел все ожидания - тихий! очень удобно вынимать и чистить, фильтрует на отлично. Так как у меня травник, убрал шарики для биофильтрации и оставил губку и синтепон для чисто механической фильтрации.
- Saif S. wrote about Filtro interno EHEIM biopower 240 in 2019:
Haben Sie ein Ersatzteil für diesen Filter? Ich möchte die Pumpenhalterung. das tpat direkt unter der pumpe, wo sein kopf passt.
Aquaristikshop.com: Sie finden alle verfügbaren Ersatzteile hier:https://www.aquaristikshop.com/cgi-bin/neu/webshop.pl?t=2413
- Ernst A. wrote about Filtro interno EHEIM biopower 240 in 2016:
This model of internal filter is very reliable, quite and capable to turnout significant amount of tank water capacity and I can make statement that it is very impressive in consideration of such compact size of this filters. Additionally I think it's very attractive price positioning for this product in consideration of very high quality of German product. I'm happy that in my tank ecosystem it's absolutelly successful investment.I'm 100% satisfyed!
And highly recommend to all to whom this filter is feasible of course according with tech specs.
Алексан& wrote about Filtro interno EHEIM biopower 240 in 2016:
Получил этот фильтр в комплекте с аквариумом на 180 литров. Превзошел все ожидания - тихий! очень удобно вынимать и чистить, фильтрует на отлично. Так как у меня травник, убр ...
Show all reviews (3)
- Saif S. wrote about Filtro interno EHEIM biopower 240 in 2019:
Haben Sie ein Ersatzteil für diesen Filter? Ich möchte die Pumpenhalterung. das tpat direkt unter der pumpe, wo sein kopf passt.
Aquaristikshop.com: Sie finden alle verfügbaren Ersatzteile hier:https://www.aquaristikshop.com/cgi-bin/neu/webshop.pl?t=2413