Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food Herbal XXL no tamanho de grão 2,8 - 3,2 mm para todos os peixes a partir de aprox. 15 cm.
O Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food Herbal contém ervas conhecidas há séculos: hortelã-pimenta, tomilho, artemísia e erva-de-bico. Os componentes valiosos têm um efeito estimulante e antissético e contribuem para a saúde dos peixes ornamentais. Os peixes magros ganham rapidamente mais peso.
Alimento completo para peixes ornamentais
Recomendação de alimentação Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food Herbal XXL:
Restringir a quantidade de ração à quantidade ingerida por todos os peixes em poucos minutos.Ingredientes: Peixe e subprodutos de peixe, cereais, moluscos e crustáceos, subprodutos vegetais, leveduras, 2 % Mentha (hortelã-pimenta), 2 % Thymii (tomilho), 2 % Artemisia (artemísia), 2 % Stellaria (erva-de-bico)
Aditivos: Vitaminas: E672 vitamina A 7.500 UI/kg, E671 vitamina D3 2500 UI/kg, E300 vitamina C 500 mg/kg, E307 vitamina E 260 mg/kgAnálise: Proteína bruta 45 %, gordura bruta 18 %, cinzas brutas 13,5 %, fibra bruta 9 %, cálcio 2,4 %, fósforo 1,5 %
Garantido sem corantes artificiais
Reviews for Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food Herbal XXL:
Write a reviewAndreas W. at 07.03.2018:
Dr.Bassleer Herbal is a good choice for any herbivore fish, and my goldfish are really enjoying this flavour.
The XXl pellets are good in size for both bigger and smaller sized fish (5-10 cm), they are a little bit hard, so they will not dissolve quickly in the water before the fish gets to eat it, and the fish can suck on it and really enjoy it.
Dr. Bassleer foods has improved the appetite and vigour of all my goldfish, and I'd highly recommend giving it a try, regardless of flavour.
- Andreas W. wrote about Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food Herbal XXL in 2018:
Dr.Bassleer Herbal is a good choice for any herbivore fish, and my goldfish are really enjoying this flavour.
The XXl pellets are good in size for both bigger and smaller sized fish (5-10 cm), they are a little bit hard, so they will not dissolve quickly in the water before the fish gets to eat it, and the fish can suck on it and really enjoy it.
Dr. Bassleer foods has improved the appetite and vigour of all my goldfish, and I'd highly recommend giving it a try, regardless of flavour.