Der Sander Ozonisator steigert die Leistung von Abschäumern und Biofiltern und schafft kristallklares und gesundes Wasser. Die Nitrit- und Ammoniakbelastung wird deutlich vermindert, das Redoxpotential und der Sauerstoffgehalt wird erhöht. Der Sander Ozonisator vermindert die Keimbelastung des Wassers und schließt Gelbstoffe und andere Schadstoffe für den Abbau im Biofilter aus.
technische Daten Sander Certizon C50:
Ozonleistung (mg/h) 50
Stufenlos einstellbar (mg/h) 5-50
Leistungsaufnahme (Watt) 3,6
Aquarien/Teich Süßwasser 100-1000 l
Aquarieninhalt Seewasser 100-500 l
Luftdurchsatz (l/h) 20-500 -
Bewertungen zu Sander Ozonisator Certizon C50:
Bewertung schreibenMarina M. am 12.01.2019:
I run it constantly on 80l tank without reducing humidity of air intake. The ozone production in this situation may be reduced in half or more. I can't measure the amount of ozone, but it makes good for the aquarium. Fish grows healthy and the water quality is improved despite the extensive feeding of the youngsters up to 4 times a day. No symptoms of ozone overdose. Shrimps in this tank are also happy.Martin L. am 18.07.2017:
One C50 unit is used in 3 freshwater tanksEach tank received 1 to 2 hours O3 treatment every other day for 2 months
Water management:
5% water change every other day.
Temperature : range 26-32C
Filters used: 1x Eheim External and 1x Eheim Internal filter
Tank A 180 liter Freshwater
L236 Queen Plecos (40 pcs of adults)
Tank B 180 liter Freshwater
Tetras planted tank
Tank C 90 liter Freshwater
L236 frys growth up tank
Tanks A and C showed water is much clear.
Tank B reduced brown, green algae growth.
All three tanks showed reductions of slime build ups on tank glass surface.
Getting two more for setting up one Pterophullum tank and a L046 zebra pleco tank