| MasterLine I contains a concentrated microelement formula. MasterLine I contains all the micro-elements required for the harmonious development of aquatic plants in the optimum form and concentration. The standard dose is sufficient in most cases.
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| MasterLine I contains a concentrated macroelement formula. MasterLine I is a concentrated macronutrient formula. MasterLine II is a macronutrient fertiliser formula that meets the daily needs of plants and inhibits algae growth.
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| MasterLine Carbo contains carbon, the main component of life on earth. For best results in aquariums without CO2 supply, the use of an active soil is recommended. MasterLine Carbo can be used as the sole carbon source or in combination with a CO2 system.
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| MasterLine AllInOne contains all the nutrients plants need in one bottle. The formula is calculated to give optimum concentrations without deficiencies. MasterLine All-In-One Boost helps prevent iron deficiency with washed-out colours in new leaves.
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| MasterLine All-In-One-Red is a complete fertiliser for red plants. The nitrate-free formula contributes to the strongest pigmentation of red plants. Easier to dose from a single bottle.
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| MasterLine All-In-One Golden is a superior fertiliser formula that contains elements that are present in different forms, making them easier for plants to absorb. This results in a healthier root system, thicker leaves and stems, as well as better adaptation of more challenging plants. MasterLine All-In-One-Golden is only recommended for use in CO2 tanks.
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| MasterLine All-In-One-Lean is a fertiliser formula exclusively for tanks with Soil. It is recommended only in tanks with CO2 supply and only with daily fertilisation. MasterLine All-In-One-Lean motivates the plants to absorb the nutrients from the Soil and thus provides slower but healthier growth, with more intense colours.
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| MasterLine Root Caps are fertiliser pellets that gradually deliver all the nutrients plants need directly to their roots. They ensure a better developed and healthier root system, resulting in more robust plants. In addition, MasterLine Root Caps intensify the colours of the plants and contribute significantly to the better development of more difficult plants.
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| MasterLine Iron is a iron (Fe) based solution. MasterLine Iron enables separate control of the nutrients with daily or weekly dosing.
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| MasterLine Nitrate is a solution based on nitrate (NO3) and potassium (K). MasterLine Nitrate enables separate control of the nutrients with daily or weekly dosing.
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| Easy-Life Potassium is a concentrated source of potassium for the application at the aquarium. Potassium is extremely important for strong plant growth and should be kept to the correct levels. Particularly in aquarium with a lot of plants and strong lighting, potassium can be a limiting growth factor.
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| Easy-Life Ferro is a strong and concentrated iron source for vibrant and healthy plants. The product not only contains iron(III) but supporting nutrients like potassium as well. Easy-Life Ferro is multiple stabilized and contains no nitrates or phosphates.
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| With a deficit or a wrong ratio phosphate-nitrate, the products Nitro or Fosfo can be used to bring back the content of NO³ and/or PO4 to the desired value. Plants have a need for all nutrients. That means that healthy growth without algae is only possible if all conditions are complied with: light-CO2-N-P-K etc.
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| MasterLine Purity
biological filter medium prevents ammonia and nitrite formation increases the oxygen content MasterLine Purity cleans the water by absorbing the very fine impurities filter medium complementary to biological filter media. The filter medium increases the oxygen concentration in the aquarium and contributes to a stronger pearling effect.
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| JBL ProScape PlantSoil Brown is a ground substrate in brown coloure with nutrients for all planted aquariums. JBL ProScape PlantSoil provides a slightly acidic pH value in the aquarium, as found in many tropical waters. Proscapers often use special substrates (soils), which have been especially adapted to their requirements.
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| JBL ProScape Volcano Mineral is a highly porous volcanic rock and ideally suitable as a basis for every natural aquarium. The porous volcanic rock ensures the water circulation at the bottom of the aquarium and also helps supply organic plant nutrients to the plant roots. With its open-pored structure JBL ProScape Volcano ensures an optimal oxygen supply to the bottom of the aquarium.
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| The MasterLine Dosing Pump enables easy and accurate dosing. The dosing pumps are compatible with 200, 500, 1000 ml bottles from MasterLine.
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| MasterLine ZipBag
Filter mesh bag with zip fastener very fine: 250 micrometres chlorine & acid resistant MasterLine ZipBag is a synthetic bag for fine filter media. With flat shape to maximize the contact area.
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| Healthy plant growth is based on the following three main pillars: A supply of light, a supply of CO2 and an adequate and optimal supply of mineral nutrients. The supply of nutrients is described by Liebigs Law of the Minimum. According to this concept, the nutrient which is available in the minimum amount limits the growth of plants regardless of whether it is a microelement or a macroelement.
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| JBL Volcano Powder is a primary rock powder with a highly content in natural minerals and trace elements. It is ideally suited for the enrichtment of aquarium substrates with valuable minerals and trace elements. With depot effect: JBL ProScape Volcano Powder is enriched with macro nutrients, which aquatic plants need for long and optimal growth.
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| JBL Plantis -12 Plant pins for the fixation of water plants in the aquarium gravel. JBL Plantis are made from non-breakable plastic. For use in fresh and sea water.
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| JBL ProScape Tools are needful tools for professional aquascaping. Designed to fit perfectly the requirements of professional aquascaping. Made of high-quality steel, made in Japan, (with an extremely smooth surface) for scissors with the best quality and the highest cutting precision.
| JBL ProScape Tool S16 spring | 45,89 €* | JBL ProScape Tool S20 wave | 42,95 €* | JBL ProScape Tool S20 straight | 22,95 €* | JBL ProScape Tool S20 curved | 22,95 €* | JBL ProScape Tool P30 slim line | 15,85 €* Top-Seller! | JBL ProScape Tool SP30 straight | 17,95 €* | JBL ProScape Tool S30 curved | 27,85 €* | JBL ProScape Tool S30 straight | 25,95 €* | JBL ProScape Tool P30 straight | 15,85 €* | JBL ProScape Tool P30 curved | 15,85 €* | |