| Algae layers on the aquarium glass not only obstruct the view into the aquarium but can often only be removed by reaching into the water or when changing the water. With a magnet cleaner, however, the glass can also be cleaned quickly and easily from the outside. The Sera Magnet Cleaner Floating is a classic magnet cleaner that is characterized by its floating properties, among other things: If the inner part detaches during cleaning, it floats upwards on its own and can be removed from the aquarium without any problems.
| Sera Magnet Cleaner Floating floating algae magnet for aquariums various sizes up to 10 mm glass thickness cleans the panes effectively & gently | from 5.85 €* |
 | Mag-Float floating magnet cleaner for aquarium glasses up to approx. 50 mm glass. The Algae magnet cleaner sinks not to the ground but is floating upward, to the water surface, if the connection to the outer part is lost.
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 | Mag-Float replacement blades for the floating algae magnet cleaner with blade 16 mm and 20 mm. Very sharp blade removes any dirt and also strong alage from the aquarium glass. The package contains 2 blades.
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 | The JBL Floaty L Blade is a floating algae magnet with blade for thick glass panes up to 15 mm thickness. Special features: Blade insert with a blunt blade with no risk of cutting (removes even the most stubborn of films). Extremely light material with a strong magnetic field.
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 | Two replacement blades for the JBL Algae magnetes Floaty L and XL Blade.
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 | The Hobby Glass Cleaner removes also persistent algae by the integrated blades. The Magnete cleaner does not cut into silicone joints and does not scratch the aquarium glass. The blades are removable.
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 | 6 spare blades for the Hobby Aquarium Glass cleaner algae magnet in practical, re-sealable box.
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 | The Hobby Jumbo Aquarium glass cleaner is a extra-strong algae magnet, which removes algae from aquarium glass easily, leaving no traces. Used like ordinary algae magnets. Blade made of high quality, stainless V4A steel, as used in ship-building.
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 | The Hobby Clean Mag Thermo cleaning magnet allows you to quickly and easily clean the inside of your aquarium glass while keeping an eye on the water temperature. The Hobby Clean Mag Thermo is equipped with a strong magnet that adheres securely to aquarium glass up to 6 mm thick. The built-in digital temperature gauge shows you the exact water temperature at all times, so you can always see if your aquarium is within the optimum temperature range.
| Hobby Clean Mag Thermo algae magnet with digital temperature display effortless cleaning of the glasses removes algae and other deposits | 19.50 €* |
 | JBL Floaty II S is a algae magnet aquarium glass cleaner which is swimming, not sinking for aquarium glasses up to 6 mm thickness. No need to fish around in the aquarium if the inner part of the magnet accidentally comes apart from the outer part. The inner section of the JBL Floaty II magnet cleaner is with angled projections on two edges to protect the silicon adhesive seams.
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 | JBL Floaty Nano Acryl is a algae magnet aquarium glass cleaner which is swimming, not sinking for aquarium glasses from acrylic up to 6 mm thickness. No need to fish around in the aquarium if the inner part of the magnet accidentally comes apart from the outer part. JBL Floaty mini can use with plastic tanks, on acrylic aqaurium glasses and normal aqaurium glasses.
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 | 8 end caps for TUNZE Care Magnet in the colors blue, green, black and white for individual design of your TUNZE Care Magnet windshield cleaner.
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 | Fluval Razor+ is a 2in1 algae magnet cleaner with a non-abrasive scrubber pad and a strong blade. Go from scraper to scrubber in one simple snap with the Razor+ 2-in-1 Algae Magnet. Th rounded scrubber surface makes the Fluval Razor+ suitable for flat or curved aquariums.
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 | Spare blades for the Fluval Razor+ algae magnet cleaner. Package content: 3 blades.
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 | The TUNZE Care Magnet is a glass pane cleaner which offers an ergonomic handle, and special plastic blades made of wear-resistant high performance plastic. It is significantly more compact than conventional algae magnets with a large cleaning surface, which blends into ist surroundings unobtrusively, therefore enabling it to remain within the aquarium without disrupting the overall scenery. Scratches on the aquarium glass pane can be avoided by using this glass pane cleaner. available soon | |