| Preis Discus Minerals supplement osmosis water and soft tap water with the required amount of trace elements and minerals to osmosis water. They thus help avoid conditions resulting from insufficient concentrations of these substances, such as fungus-stricken eggs, crippled offspring and darkened colors of your aquarium dwellers. Preis Discus Minerals provide an easy professional remedy to mineral deficiencies.
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 | hw Tracevit is a trace element solution for fresh water aqauria. Trace elements are indispensable for the growth and metabolism of plants, animals and humans, although they must be present only in small concentrations. The necessary trace elements are normally not contained in tap water and are missing completely in conditioned (softened) water.
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 | sera mineral salt for the increasing of water hardness in osmose water, pouring, and soft water. The essential minerals are often insufficiently present in the confined aquarium environment. Fish take up a part of these important substances not with their food but directly through the water.
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 | Formel Preis Korall is designed for use in all coral, Malawi and Tanganyika Lake aquariums. Formel Preis Korall delivers, on a calcium basis, the necessary carbon hardness regularly required by invertebrates and coral. The product eliminates excessive concentrations of trace elements and adds vital minerals.
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 | Preis Mineral-Komplex S is a mineral concentrate for sensitive invertebrates, soft and hard coral, and calciferious algae for the restoration of trace elements and minerals in seawater aquariums. For invertebrates and corals. Reef-forming hard coral and red calciferous algae receive strontium, selenium and calcium, while iodine assures a deep green coloring of all Caulerpa species and prevents the formation of goitres in fish.
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 | hw Hydrokoll counteracts poisoning caused in sea water aquariums by heavy metals, phenols and bacterial toxins and makes these substances ascertainable to the protein skimmer. Hw Hydrokoll removes the irritating effect from fresh sea water and protects the animals against infection in the case of wounds.Dosage hw Hydrokoll: First-dosage 5 ml hw Hydrokoll on ever 10 l of aquarium water. After-dosage 2 ml on ever 10 l aquarium water every 14 days.
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 | hw Miratip supplies all the trace elements with a positive effect that are consumed by metabolic processes in the sea water aquarium. The water will immediately appear clearer, following the addition of hw-miratip. The natural colours are highly developed.Dosage: 1 ml miratip on 10 l aquarium water every 14 days.
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 | Preis Organ Planer See is a finely tuned combination of active substances that has been proven in prolonged laboratory tests. The product is continually being improved. Once Preis Organ Planer See is added to aquarium water, heavy metals are immediately transformed into organic complexes and rendered harmless.
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