| eSHa 2000
Fungus, Finrot and Bacteria Treatment heals various diseases can be used preventively eSHa 2000's wide range action treat over 18 symptoms and disease organisms. eSHa 2000 treats a wide range of fungal, bacterial and parasitic infections, helps heal wounds and protects the skin layer. Use eSHa 2000 for Fungus, Dropsy, bacteria, skin problems, gill problems, fin rot, tail rot, ulcers and wounds.
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 | eSHa EXIT
Anti Whitespot Treatment can be used preventively also together with eSHa 2000 eSHa EXIT is an effective treatment against all Spot (lchthyophthirius) diseases. eSHa EXIT also cures Velvet.- Acts fast against Whitespot and other Spot parasites.- Safe for use with sensitive tropical fish.eSHa EXIT can be used in combination with eSHa 2000 - Fungus, Finrot Bacteria Treatment. This combination provides you with a broadly effective tool to treat most diseases your fish will encounter.
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against bacterial slime disease against bacterial snail disease not tolerated by snails eSHa Gastrobac is an highly effectively treatment against bacterial disease in fresh water aquaria. eSHa Gastobac treats bacterial slime disease and bacterial infections of the slime layer. The presence of large quantities of dead organic material can result in fish diseases caused by bacteria, which are also known as bacterial slime disease.
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treatment for Discus and other Cichlids can be used preventively treats Hole in the head disease eSHa Hexamita is a unique treatment that combats disease in Discus and other Cichilds.- Effectively treats Hole in the head disease.- Effectively treats other bacterial and fungal infections.- Prevents disease in newly acquired stock.- Protects fish from secondary infections.Hexamita can also be used in conjunction with eSHa EXIT Anti-Whitespot Treatment to solve and prevent most diseases your Discus and Cichilds will encounter.
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 | eSHa Optima
Trace elements, minerals and vitamines to be used after illness boosts reproductive activity eSHa Optima is a unique combination of trace elements, minerals and vitamins that are missing from your tap water. These ingredients help recreate the natural tropical environment your fish deserve. Your fish will flourish and you will see the results.- Boosts fish health.- Increases resistance against disease and parasites.- Speeds up recovery of sick and injured fish.- Helps induce spawning.
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 | eSHa Minaroll
Trace elements, Vitamins and Minerals reduces stress, helps the immune system for use in frehswater and marine water eSHa Minaroll is a unique composition of trace elements, vitamins and minerals. It provides your fish with the quantities they need for a healthy life.- Increases resistance against disease.- Corrects vitamin deficiencies.- Stimulates recovery from illness.- Can be used in Tropical, Coldwater and Seawater aquariums.- Reduces fish stress.eSHa Minaroll is especially good for fish that do not have a natural food supply at their disposal. It also provides additional support for fish undergoing growth spurts, breeding or spawning.
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prevents bacterial and fungal infections Goldfish and Turtle Tonic improves the water quality eSHa Goldy is specially formulated for goldfish and water turtles in bowls or small tanks. eSHa Goldy prevents fungal and bacterial infections, solves popeye in turtles, protects the skin and gills as well as stimulated recovery from illness or injury. In addition, Goldy binds organic waste and increases the amount of oxygen available, keeping water healthier and clearer for a longer time.
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 | eSHa Tortufit
wide range medicine for aquatic turtles tolerated by fish and plants binds impurities in the water eSHa Tortufit is a specially developed preparation for turtles in an aquarium or paludarium without a filter or pump. eSHa Tortufit keeps the water clean and fresh for longer. eSHa Tortufit neutralizes organic waste products, chlorine and chloramine.
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 | eSHa alx
medicine against parasitic crustaceans carp lice, anchor worms, gill lice not tolerated by shrimps eSHa alx is a veterinary medicine for ornamental fish against parasitic species of Crustacea (Maxillopoda), such as Argulus (carp lice), Lernaea (anchor worm), Ergasilus (gill lice), Salmincola (gill lice), etc. The parasitic Crustacea occur on and in the skin of fish and on the gills.
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 | eSHa Aquabacter
bacterial culture for the biological balance Maintains an optimal bacterial population acts very quickly, high coverage eSHa Aquabacter contains natural bacteria cultures to create and support the biological balance in the aquarium. The biological balance is the ideal of every true aquarium enthusiast. When your aquarium is in good natural balance, biological waste products such as excreta, food and plant debris are "composted" and reused.
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Wide Range Marine Treatment (with inverts) by fungal, bacterial and parasitic infections well tolerated by fish and corals eSHa Oodinex is a wide range disease treatment for marine fish in aquariums that contain invertebrates. The unique formula solves wide range of fungal, bacterial and parasitic infections like oodinium, fungus cryptocarion, open wounds an many others. The invertebrates must not be removed from the aquarium during the treatment with eSHa Oodinex.- Effectively treats many disease organisms.- Eliminates the danger of choosing the wrong treatment.
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 | eSHa Trimarin
wide range medicine for sea water not to be used by invertebrates marine white spot, fin rot, fungus eSHa Trimarin is a wide range disease treatment for Marine fish in sea water aquariuma.- Effectively treats many disease organisms like oodinium, cryptocarion, ichthyophthirius and many others.- Eliminates the danger of choosing the wrong treatment. eSHa Trimarin solves Marine lchthyo, Coral Fish Disease, Finrot, Fungus and many other fungal, bacterial and parasitic infections. Trimarin can also be used for Seahorse ailments.
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