| The pH-reagent from Tropic Marin, especially developed for marine water, allows the determination of the pH-value with the help of a finely tuned colour scale, which shows a range of 7.4 - 9.4 pH-units.
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 | The Tropic Marin KH-Test kit makes it possible to quickly determine the alkalinity of your aquarium water by easy of use and high accuracy. Tropic Marin test kits are the result of intensive research and development - directed at the needs of the serious aquarist. Extensive testing has been completed to assure accuracy and reliability.
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 | Nitrite (NO²) is the intermediate stage of the aerobic nitrification and is highly toxic for fish and invertebrates. A too high concentration of nitrite impedes the oxygen transport in the blood and severely restricts celluar respiration. With this test, the nitrite content can be accurately determined from 0.01 to 2 mg/l with the finely tuned colour chart.Nitrate (NO³) is the final stage of the aerobic nitrification and impairs the well being of fish and invertebrates to a lesser degree.
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 | For the determination of the ammonia ammonium concentration in fresh and seawater. The ammonium-ion (NH4+) is the result of nitrogen mineralisation and exists with ammonia (NH3) in an equilibrium depending on the pH-value. Nitrogen organically bound in food remains and excrement is converted by bacteria and set free in the form of inorganic ammonium ions.
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 | Tropic marine phosphate test for the determination of the phosphate concentration in fresh water and sea water. Phosphates are indispensable important food constituents of all plants and for the energy metabolism of each living cell. If the plants do not take up sufficient phosphate, the equilibrium of the phosphate cycle is disturbed.
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 | man findet dort Konzentrationen zwischen 0,01 und 0,02 mg/l. Entsprechende Werte sollten im Meerwasseraquarium abhängig vom jeweiligen Besatz angestrebt werden. Für den Süßwasserbereich ist ein Wert bis 0,4 mg/l Phosphat angemessen, wobei 1 mg/l nicht überschritten werden sollte.
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 | gemessen wird jedoch die Alkalinität. In diesem Test werden beide Begriffe gleichbedeutend verwendet. Die Angabe für die Karbonathärte erfolgt meist in Grad deutscher Härte (°dH).
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 | Tropic Marin NO2/NO3 Test Professional for high precision determination of the nitrite and nitrate concentration in freshwater and seawater. Nitrate ions (NO3-) are formed from ammonium (NH4+) as the end product of the nitrification process. Nitrite (NO2-), which is highly toxic to freshwater species in particular, is produced in the first stage of the bacterial process.
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 | Tropic Marin K+ Test Professional for high precision determination of the potassium concentration in saltwater. Potassium is a vitally important macro-nutrient for all living beings. In natural ocean water, this alkali metal is present in an average concentration of 408 mg/l.
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 | Tropic Marin Compact Lab for determining the essential water values in seawater aquariums. The test set Tropic Marin® Compact Lab includes all the important tests for prompt and precise determination of water values. The pH value, alkalinity, phosphate level, nitrite and nitrate content as well as the ammonia concentration of the water influence the wellbeing of fish and invertebrates in seawater aquariums to a decisive degree.
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