| The Salifert Profi Test pH is a water test kit specially designed for controlling the pH value in marine water aquaria. You can determine the pH value in the range of pH 7.4 to 8.6 exactly. The Salifert Profi Test pH is sufficient for 50 tests in seawater.
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 | The Salifert KH/Alkalinity test is for the exact determine of the KH (carbonate hardness) and the Alkalinity in freshwater, seawater or gardenpond. The test set measures in sufficient small steps of 0.1 meq/L or 0.3 °dKH with a sharp color change. This makes detection of important yet small change possible.
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 | The Salifert Profi Test NO² -Nitrite- is for the exact and determine of the nitrite content in freshwater, seawater, osmosis water or water from garden pond. Nitrite is a substance that is very toxic to fish and invertebrates. It is a misconception that once a tank is through its cycle (first 3 or 4 weeks) that nitrite has vanished.
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 | With the Salifert Profi Test NO³ you can determine the nitrate content in freshwater oder seawater exactly and easily. A too high nitrate concentration can result in unwanted algae-growth and these might irritate corals in their neighborhood. Nitrate as such also retards coral growth.
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 | With the Salifert Profi Test O² you can determine the oxygen content in freshwater oder seawater exactly and easily. Oxygen is highly essential for all life forms. Especially corals and marine fish require oxygen concentrations at saturation level.
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 | With the Salifert Profi Test NH3 you can determine the ammonia content in freshwater oder seawater exactly and easily. Ammonia and ammonium are substances which should be converted rapidly into nitrite followed by nitrate and nitrogen gas. If this does not happen then the aquarium is not fully cycled or biological processes are not proceeding as they should.
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 | With the Salifert Profi Test Mg you can determine the magnesium content in seawater exactly and easily. Calcium and strontium will not interfere the test, when their total concentration is between 300 and 500 mg/l. This is mostly the case.
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 | With the Salifert Profi Test NH4 you can determine the ammonia content in freshwater oder seawater exactly and easily. Invertebrates are not tolerate copper. Many remedys for fishes contains copper.
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 | With the Salifert Profi Test Ca you can determine the calcium content in seawater exactly and easily. Calcium is a major constituent of calcareous algae, skeletal material of hard corals and the skeletal needles of soft/leather corals. Calcium also fulfills many biological functions.
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 | With the Salifert Profi Test Si you can determine the silicate content in freshwater oder seawater exactly and easily. Silicate occurs especially in tap water or in purified water when the RO or DI unit is not functioning properly. Silicate not only results in diatom bloom but might also block some essential trace elements such as vanadium and molybdenum.
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 | With the Salifert Profi Test PO4 you can determine the phosphate content in freshwater oder seawater exactly and easily. Phosphate also blocks or retards the growth of corals and calcareous algae. One of the scientific studies shows that a phosphate concentration higher than 0.05 mg/L decreases the growth of calcareous algae by 90%! The Salifert phosphate test already detects, within seconds, 0.015 mg/L of phosphate. available soon | |