| JBL Atvitol helps to maintain the health of the small biotope of the aquarium with vital vitamins and bioelements. JBL Atvitol protects fish against deficiency diseases, enhances the brilliance of colours, encourages spawning, increases appetite and promotes growth. The addition of JBL Atvitol to aquarium water provides the microorganisms necessary for the breakdown of biological pollutants with vital active substances.
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 | JBL ProNovo Neon Grano XXS is a bite-sized granulates for neons (and other small characins) whose composition is precisely adapted to the needs of the fish, including insects. In their natural habitats in South America, neons live in very nutrient-poor blackwater biotopes and are dependent on small bite-sized plankton.
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 | JBL ProNovo Guppy Flakes S are staple food flakes for guppies & other livebearers from 3-10 cm size. Guppies, black mollies, platies, Yucatan mollies, gambusias, green swordtails and some others belong to the group of live-bearing tooth carps (Poecilidae). They all have in common that they give birth to live young and do not lay eggs like most other fish species.
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 | JBL ProNovo Betta Flakes S are small staple food flakes for all fighting fish from 3-10 cm in the aquarium. When feeding fighting fish, it is important that the composition is adapted to their natural diet. JBL ProNovo Betta as flakes are the basic diet.
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 | JBL ProNovo Gourami Grano S is an granulated aquarium staple food in size S for all gouramis and other labyrinth fish from 3-10 cm body length. All gourami species live in Southeast Asia and are true survival specialists. Even in very warm and oxygen-poor waters, they can survive by breathing atmospheric air thanks to their additional respiratory organ, the labyrinth.
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 | JBL ProNovo Killifish Grano S is an granulated aquarium staple food in size S for killifish from 3-10 cm length. Many killifish are among the most colourful freshwater fish of all and even beat most marine water fish with their blaze of colour! In addition, they are not very large and also fit into smaller aquariums. In nature, many of them are adapted to the cycle of rainy and dry seasons: They hatch from their eggs when the rain starts, grow quickly, lay new eggs and die when the dry season arrives, as the waters usually dry up then.
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 | JBL ProNovo Insect Sticks S are aquarium food sticks in size S for all aquarium fish from 3-10 cm length. There are hardly any fish that dont eat insects and/or shrimps in their natural habitats! There are only a few highly specialised fish species, such as scale eating fish in freshwater (Plecodus straelini) or coral polyp eaters in marine water (a lot of butterfly fish) which dont. However, if you offer them in the aquarium, these fish will often accept this food.
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 | JBL ProNovo Tab M are food tablets for all aquarium fish from 1-20 cm length. Bottom-dwelling fish tend to seek their food at the bottom and so sinking food tablets are ideal for them. Sinking granulate food for the other fish will also reach the bottom, but really only if too much has been fed! It therefore is useful to feed the free-swimming and bottom-dwelling fish species separately.
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 | JBL ProNovo Botia Tab M are food tablets for all loaches from 1-20 cm length. All loaches come from Asia and are ground-oriented fish. They therefore eat mainly from the substrate.
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 | JBL ProNovo Pleco Wafer XL are food tablets with wood content for herbivorous sucker catfish from 15-40 cm length. The group of sucker catfish is quite diverse in its diet: the vast majority of species feed herbivorously on plants and algae. Of these, many species are also wood eaters.
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 | JBL ProNovo Shrimps Grano S is an granulated aquarium main food for shrimps from 1-20 cm length. Shrimps form a very large group that have developed very different feeding strategies. Very peaceful fan shrimp (Atya) filter plankton particles from the water with their fan-like legs.
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 | JBL ProNovo Crabs Wafer M are aquarium main food wafers for crabs, crayfish and coral shrimps from 1-20 cm length. Biologically speaking, the term "crustaceans" is a generic term that includes shrimps, prawns, crabs and crayfish. When it comes to food, we can easily group all claw-bearing species, including crabs (with a rounded shell) together, as their feeding habits are very similar.
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 | JBL ProNovo Bel Flakes S are aquarium staple food flakes in size S for all aquarium fish from 3-10 cm. In community aquariums with different species of fish, the ornamental fish kept will have different demands on the food. JBL ProNovo Bel Flakes S the different feeding types into account and offers your fish a wide variety and choice for a natural and healthy diet.
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 | JBL ProNovo Red Insect Sticks S are main food sticks in size S with insect treats for goldfish from 3-10 cm.Goldfish and its related breeding forms have no stomach and are omnivores that can develop a healthy appetite for aquatic plants. JBL ProNovo Red Insect Sticks S goldfish food contains a high proportion of vegetable ingredients which reduce the hunger for aquatic plants. Insects and insect larvae form an important part of the diet alongside plants.
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 | JBL ProNovo Red Holiday is a holiday food for goldfish and veiltails. Most aquarium fish, excluding juveniles, would even go without food for a day or two - just like in the wild. But then many aquarium owners get a guilty conscience and that's why JBL ProNovo Red Holiday is also available for a short absence.
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 | JBL ProNovo Fantail Grano S is a granulated staple food size S for veiltails and other goldfish breeds from 3-10 cm. Goldfish - the most popular ornamental fish of all! About 1000 years ago, the beautiful colours were bred out of crucian carps (cold-water fish) in China and the goldfish was created, complete with its own scientific name (Carassius auratus). In Japan, the shubunkin form was cultivated around 1900.
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 | JBL ProNovo Corydoras Tab M are food tablets for armored catfish from 1-20 cm length. Armored catfish are bottom-dwelling fish species from South America which search for food with their barbels on or in the substrate. Thats why its important the substrate is never coarse or sharp-edged.
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 | JBL ProNovo Spirulina Grano S are spirulina green food granules in size S for all aquarium fish & shrimps from 3-10 cm length. Spirulina are blue-green algae, of which some species, such as the S. platensis processed here, have ideal protein contents for feeding ornamental fish.
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 | JBL ProNovo Color Granbo S is a colour food granulate for vibrant colours in all aquarium fish from 3-10 cm length. Fish show their colours with almost any food, but their colouring can be intensified by certain types of food, just like in humans with a diet of carrots. Mating or fighting males show how intense the colours can be in fish.
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 | JBL ProNovo Lotl Grano S is a granulated staple food for small axolotls from 3-10 cm length. Axolotl are amphibians, like newts and frogs. Unlike other amphibians they remain in their larval stage with external feathery gills their whole life.
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 | JBL ProNovo Tanganyika Grano M is a aquarium staple food granulate for predatory cichlids from Lake Tanganyika & Malawi from 8-20 cm length. In the Rift Valley lakes of East Africa (Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika), many cichlids have adapted to graze the algae growth from the rocks for the microorganisms living in them (herbivorous growth eaters). JBL ProNovo Malawi was developed for these species.
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 | JBL ProNovo Cichlid Grano XL is a granulated aquarium staple food for alll large cichlids from 15-25 cm length. Cichlids are an incredibly diverse group of fish with 1700 species. They range in size from a few centimetres (checkerboard cichlid) to 80 cm Crenicichla species.
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 | JBL ProNovo Bits Discus Grano S is a granulated aquarium staple food for discus & other demanding cichlids from South America from 3-10 cm length. Discus cichlids and some other cichlid species can be very picky about their food. We thought of this when making the JBL ProNovo Bits Discus Grano and added raw ingredients, such as shrimps, which the fish find irresistible.
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 | JBL ProNovo Artemio contains Artemia treats for all ornamental fish from 8-20 cm length. Artemia salina is a small crustacean found in saline lakes worldwide. It has the special property of laying eggs that can survive dry for about a year.
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![JBL ProNovo Daph JBL ProNovo Daph]() | JBL ProNovo Daph contains water fleas as a treat for all ornamental fish from 3-10 cm length. In the past, almost every aquarium owner caught water fleas in the wild and fed them to their fish. Today this is often prohibited for nature conservation reasons and many waters are now so heavily polluted that it is no longer safe to catch food animals.
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![JBL ProNovo Fex JBL ProNovo Fex]() | JBL ProNovo Fex are freeze-dried Tubifex as a treat for all ornamental fish from 8-20 cm. Tubifex are part of the natural diet of many ornamental fish that search the ground for food. The 15-85 mm long Tubifex live in the soil and the blood pigment haemoglobin results in their red colour as long as they live.
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![JBL ProNovo Fil JBL ProNovo Fil]() | JBL ProNovo Fil are Red blood worms as treats for all ornamental fish from 3-10 cm. Red blood worms are the ideal food for strengthening fish. Larvae of the chironomids (nonbiting midges) sometimes occur in masses and form a main food source for very many fish species in the wild.
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![JBL ProNovo Bel Fluid JBL ProNovo Bel Fluid]() | JBL ProNovo Bel Fluid is a liquid rearing food for young egg-laying aquarium fish. The composition of the ideal rearing feed for young fish depends on many factors. The juvenile fish are growing and need important nutrients for their development.
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![JBL Novo Tanganjika JBL Novo Tanganjika]() | Professional feeding of predatory cichlids from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika with JBL Novo Tanganyika. In composition JBL Novo Tanganyika is specially balanced to meet the specific feeding habits of predatory cichlids from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika. Top quality proteins from fish, shrimp and other aquatic animals as well as easily digested fats to carry energy all promote healthy growth and an optimum supply of energy.
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![JBL Krill JBL Krill]() | JBL Krill adds high-grade variety to the diet of all aquarium fish. In a special process, Krill is finely ground and converted into flake feed which is readily consumed by all aquarium fish. As a result of this treatment, the spikes of all Krill no longer pose any danger to the digestive tract of the fish.
| JBL Krill supplement food with 20% Krill | from 3.89 €* |
![JBL NovoDaph JBL NovoDaph]() | JBL NovoDaph is an ideal supplement to the diet of all aquarium fish. The ingredients are carefully sun-dried to preserve all the important nutrients of the live feed (Daphnia). JBL NovoDaph is readily eaten by even the most fasttidious of fish species.
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![JBL NovoCrabs JBL NovoCrabs]() | JBL NovoCrabs food chips are made in a special production process. The ingredients, size and structure are specially selected to meet the nutrional needs of decapod crustaceans (crayfish, lobster, crabs etc.) A large proportion of high-fibre herbs and other leaf material, together with proteins from shrimp and fish reflect the natural nutrional requirements of these typical omnivores, which also enjoy eating high-fibre plant material. This guarantees healthy shell growth and problem-free shedding of the shell.
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![JBL Grana Discus JBL Grana Discus]() | JBL Grana Discus is a semi-buoyant staple feed rich in nutrients, suitable for discus and other fastdious ornamental fish, for example small tropical perch, scalarae and others. The granulate sinks in the water at differing rates so that fish in varying zones of water can be feed according to their needs with JBL GranaDiscus. A specially balanced combination of ingredients meets the specific nutrional requirements of this group of fish, including protein as a nutrient, fats and roughage for excellent growth.
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![JBL Grana Cichlid JBL Grana Cichlid]() | JBL Grana Cichlid is a semi-buoyant granulate, rich in nutrients suitable for cichlids and all other large aquarium fish.The granulate sinks in the water at differing rates so that fish in varying zones of water can be feed according to their needs with JBL GranaCichlid. The high nutritious content and easy digestibility ensures that appetites of larger fish are quickly satisfied without unnecessary pollution of the aquarium water. Vital vitamins promote health and increase resilience.
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![JBL NovoFil blood worms JBL NovoFil blood worms]() | JBL NovoFil blood worms is an ideal supplement to the diet of all aquarium fish. The red mosquito larvae is carefully freeze-dried to preserve all the important nutrients of the live feed. JBL NovoFil is readily eaten by even the most fastidious of fish species and provides a nutritious treat for all freshwater and saltwater aquarium fish.
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![JBL NovoPearl JBL NovoPearl]() | JBL NovoPearl contains a combination of nutrients in a raw pearl-type form, specially attuned to the feeding requirements and habits of aquarium goldfish. Valuable ingredients including wheatgerm and a variety of vegetable raw materials in JBL Novo Pearls help to keep goldfish helthy and thriving. Vital vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids promote resistance and ensure healthy growth of the aquarium fish.
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![JBL PlanktonPur S JBL PlanktonPur S]() | JBL PlanktonPur S is a pure natural product from clean arctic waters. JBL PlanktonPur contains pure natural zooplankton with no preservatives. Zooplankton is the primary source of food for many fish species in fresh water and salt water. available soon | JBL PlanktonPur S 100% pure natural food, straight from nature ready & freshly portioned contains crustaceans & molluscs | from 6.59 €* | JBL PlanktonPur M 100% pure natural food, straight from nature ready & freshly portioned contains crustaceans & molluscs | from 6.59 €* | |
![JBL NovoRift JBL NovoRift]() | JBL NovoRift are slowly sinking food sticks for the type-fair nutrition of Tropheus types and other cichlides from the east african lakes. JBL NovoRift contains a selection of vegetable raw materials in a well-balanced combination, specially attuned to the feeding requirements and habits of Cichlids from the East African rift valley lakes. Thanks to the small size JBL Novo Rift is readily eaten and enjoyed by Cichlids. available soon | JBL NovoRift for cichlides from the east african lakes | from 5.49 €* |
![JBL NovoBaby 3x 10 ml JBL NovoBaby 3x 10 ml]() | JBL NovoBaby Complete rearing feed set for guppies and other live-bearing species consisting of three carefully balanced sizes of flakes or particles. Also suitable for rearing other young fry the size of a new-born guppy i.e. cichlids etc. available soon | |
![JBL Novo GranoVert mini JBL Novo GranoVert mini]() | JBL Novo GranoVert contains high-grade vegetable raw materials and vegetable fibres specially balanced to meet the nutritional requirements of Vert-eating aquarium fish. JBL Novo GranoVert is a Granulate with high nutrient content carefully produced using ultra high-temperature preservation. The Granulate is designed in such a way that some particles float on the surface of the water whilst the remainder slowly sink, ideally suiting the feeding habits of fish whatever water level they feed in. available soon | |
![JBL NovoBetta JBL NovoBetta]() | JBL NovoBetta is specially balanced to meet the specific feeding habits of Betta splendens and related breeds as well as other fighting fish (e.g. Betta imbellis). Top-quality proteins and fats from aquatic animals together with valuable carotinoids and other ingredients from Krill ensure brillant colouring, with perfectly formedfins in the males and good spawning in the female fish. available soon | |
![JBL Spirulina JBL Spirulina]() | JBL Spirulina contains gently spray-dried algae (spirulina platensis), vegetable raw material and plant fibre, yet also has a small proportion of animal proteins specially balanced to meet the specific feeding habits of algae-grazing fish in freshwater and saltwater aquarium (e.g. live-bearers in freshwater, surgeon fish in saltwater). When grazing on alage beds, these fish regularly consume small animal organisms (2% shrimp). available soon | |