| JBL ProCristal i30 is a small, flexible and extendable internal filter for aquariums between 10 and 40 litres of water. Because of ist small diemensions the JBL ProCristal i30 is very suitable for all Nano-Aquariums and shrimp tanks. It is equipped with a separate filter chamber for special filter material against algae growth or for exceptionally clear water.
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 | Replacement filter sponge for JBL internal filter ProCristal i30. Filter sponge for mechanical and biological filtering. The pore size of 30 ppi ensures effective mechanical cleaning and simultaneously promotes the colonization of useful cleansing bacteria for an optimal biological cleaning of the aquarium water.
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 | JBL SuperClear for the JBL internal filter ProCristal i30 contains ready-to-use filter cartridges with high performance activated carbon and special filter material for clean and clear aquarium water.
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 | JBL GreenStop for the JBL internal filter ProCristal i30 contains ready-to-use filter cartridges with special filter medium for removing of pollutants from the aquarium water.
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 | The JBL CristalProfi m greenline is a powerful, energy saving internal aquarium filter with the prinziple of the mat filter. With additional filter modules the JBL CristalProfi m greenline is extendable and can be used for larger aquarium tanks. In order to clean the aquarium water the JBL CristalProfi m Mat Filters are submerged completely in water.
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 | JBL filter modul complete with filter foam pad for the extension of the JBL internal filter CristalProfi m greenline. The JBL CristalProfi m Mat Filter can be expanded by additionally purchasing one or more modules. The only limit is the height of the aquarium.
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 | JBL CristalProfi m greenline Set of two hight-quality foam pads for the JBL CristalProfi m Internal Filter. Pore size of the pad: 35 ppi for effective biological filtration and long service interval.
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 | The new JBL internal filter CristalProfi i60 greenline is a modern, effieciency and comfortably internal aquarium filter with a lot of new features:Unobstrusive: With ist elegantly designed corner shape, the JBL CristalProfi i60 greenline internal filter fit unobstrusively in any aquarium. The filter is almost silent when running.Safe: The filter cartridges fit perfectly into the casing and have an extremely large surface, ensuring a high filter volume and reliable water cleansing.
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 | JBL VenturiSet for CristalProfi i-series is an diffusor for bringing air into the aquarium. Complete set compsising of air intake, nozzle, air pipe and adjustable air intake. For hose 12/16 also fits other filters.
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 | JBL WideSet for CristalProfi i-series is an wide jet pipe with ball joint for individual setting of water flow. For hose 12/16 also fits other filters.
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 | JBL SpraySet for CristalProfi i-series is an spray bar, two-part with connecting piece and end cap. For hose 12/16 also fits other filters.
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 | JBL Impeller suitable for the JBL Internal filters CristalProfi i60, i80, i100 and i200.
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 | JBL Filter Module for CristalProfi -series complete with foam cartridge and central protruding pipe to add any extension to the JBL CristalProfi internal filters. One additional filter module prolongs cleaning intervals and increases biological and mechanical cleaning capacities.
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 | JBL UniBloc is a biological filter foam cartridge for clean and healthy water for the JBL CristalProfi internal filter i40. A fine-pored foam cartridge for effective mechanical and biological filtering. The pore structure selected provides ideal conditions for the development of colonies of cleansing bacteria which are essential to breakdown pollutants and at the same time ensures good mechanical filtering.
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 | JBL UniBloc is an high-qualitiy foam cartridge, medium-pored (25 PPI), for effective mecahnical and biological filtering. The pore structure provides ideal conditions for the development of colonies of cleansing bacteria. The grooved shape (T profile) allows for long use with little reduction in flwo.
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 | JBL MicroMec mini is a highly porous biological filter material made from sintered glass. The special surface and pore structure provides beneficial cleansing micro-organisms with the best possible conditions for colonisation. Ammonium and nitrite are efficiently broken down in the outer layers, whilst the optimum conditions the bacterial breakdown of nitrate are created in the inner section.
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 | JBL PhosEx ultra is a phosphate eliminator for use in fresh and marine water aquaria. JBL PhosEx ultra prevents and eliminates the growth of undesirable algae by eliminating the main nutrient, phosphate, from freshwater and saltwater. JBL PhosEx ultra is ready to use, in a basket specially designed for use with the JBL Internal Filters CristalProfi i-series.
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 | JBL CarboMec ultra is a high capacity actve carbon which eliminates medication residue, water discolouration and high molecular pollution from fresh and saltwater. JBL CarboMec ultra does not raise phosphate levels in the water and is pH neutral. JBL CarboMec ultra is ready to use, in a basket specially designed for use with the JBL Internal Filters CristalProfi i-series.
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 | JBL ClearMec is a pollutant eliminator for crystal clear water with no alage problems. A mixture of clay pellets and special resins gently eliminates the pollutants phosphate, nitrate and nitrite from freshwater, preventing undesirable alage growth. The clay pellets promote colonisation by beneficial bacteria and support the biological breakdown of pollutants.
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 | JBL TorMec mini are active peat granulate for natural tropical water. High qualitiy black peat granulate containing vital humic substances, plant hormones and trace elements. The fine-grained granulate was specially designed for the aquarium effects in JBL CrisalProfi Internal filters.
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 | JBL Impeller set suitable for the JBL Internal filters CristalProfi i60 and i80 greenline. The set consists of impeller and shaft with bushings.
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 | JBL Impeller suitable for the JBL Internal filters CristalProfi m greenline.
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