| Microbe-Lift Nite-Out II is specially Formulated for Rapid Ammonia and Nitrite Reduction in fresh and slat water aquaria. Microbe-Lift Nite-Out II is designed specifically for aquarium waters that contain marine life. Its highly-specialized microbial consortium of nitrifying cultures are specially formulated to eliminate ammonia via a natural biological process termed nitrification.
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 | JBL ProClean Bac contains live cleansing bacteria for immediate aid of aquarium pollutant problems. The beneficial bacteria remove toxins such as ammonium, ammonia and nitrite. During the start-up phase, the filter becomes biologically active faster, the aqaurium water quickly becomes clear and clean.
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 | JBL FilterStart with 15,000,000 living cleansing bacteria make the filter of your aquarium biologically active. You will have clean water and healthy fish by the rapid break down of toxic ammonia and nitrite in the filter. Package content is sufficient for approx.
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 | JBL FilterBoost are specially cultured bacteria for the effective breakdown of organic matter in the filter. Reliably prevents the filter material becoming prematurely clogged with slime and other organic deposits and prolongs service life. The important pollutant-destroying bacteria are able to work longer at maximum efficiency and the filter needs changing or replacing less frequently.
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 | JBL StartKit is a 2 component aquarium start-up liquid. It enables you to bring fishes in a newly started aquarium after only 15 minutes. Tap water often contains heavy metals and sometimes chlorine which is harmful for fish and invertebrates.
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 | eSHa Aquabacter
bacterial culture for the biological balance Maintains an optimal bacterial population acts very quickly, high coverage eSHa Aquabacter contains natural bacteria cultures to create and support the biological balance in the aquarium. The biological balance is the ideal of every true aquarium enthusiast. When your aquarium is in good natural balance, biological waste products such as excreta, food and plant debris are "composted" and reused.
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 | Hobby Bacteria Fit
live bacterial cultures improve the water quality immediate help with nitrite peaks Hobby Bacteria Fit contains numerous live nitrificants, without which an operation of the aquarium would not be possible in the first place. Nitrificants are essential for converting the toxic metabolic products ammonia and nitrite into nontoxic nitrate. Hobby Bacteria Fit not only reduces the biological start up-phase of an aquarium but also supports and stabilises the long-term biological equilibrium.
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 | Tetra Bactozym speeds up biological activity in the aquarium. Organic colloids naturally cover filter material and all surfaces with an invisible film to promote the colonisation of beneficial filter bacteria. This means that the first stock of fish can be added just 24 hours after setting up a new aquarium.
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 | Dennerle AquaRico BactoClean Bio are effectively living cleansing bacteria for all fresh water aqauria.
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 | amtra Proclean Food is a balanced composition of carbon, macroelements and B vitamins that serve as a nutritional basis for the bacteria that form the aquarium's bio-filter mass. In freshwater and saltwater aquariums, biologically available carbon is important to ensure adequate nutrient supply to the bacteria responsible for the degradation of nitrate (NO3) and phosphate (PO4). Thanks to amtra Proclean Food, both the optimal COD/BOD5 ratio and the redox potential of the aquarium water are favorably influenced.
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