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The ZooBest Filterwool blue extra coarse is particularly suitable for the mechanical pre filtering of the water. It holds back rough dirty particles for a long time without clogging. This blue filterwool is also suitable for the biological purification of seawater and for sensitive freshwater fishes exposed to powerful filtration. If it be used as a pre filter medium, the ZooBest Filterwool is to be placed as first layer in an external filter. It can be use in freshwater, seawater and garden ponds. It is free of harmful substances and chemical neutral in the water. Made in Germany.
the following box sizes are available:
Bag with 100 g
Bag with 250 g
Bag with 500 g
Bag with 1000 g
Sack with 5000 g -
Reviews for ZooBest Filterwool blue, extra coarse:
Write a reviewAndrei C. at 23.10.2019:
On my opinion this blue wool filter is best for ponds filter and for biological media filter.giorgos v. at 04.11.2018:
I use it as the starting point of the sump filter and it does a very good holdFrank A. at 28.12.2016:
Die grobe Filterwatte bietet einen guten Kompromiss zwischen Filterleistung und Durchfluss. Sie hat nicht die Form einer Matte, lässt sich aber durch zurechtzupfen in jede Filterkanmmer einpassen und dort lockerer oder fester packen.. Es dauert eine Weile, bis sich auf der Filterwatte Bakterien angesiedelt haben; die Watte lässt sich gut auswaschen und sehr lange und sehr oft wiederverwenden.
- Andrei C. wrote about ZooBest Filterwool blue, extra coarse in 2019:
On my opinion this blue wool filter is best for ponds filter and for biological media filter.
giorgos v. wrote about ZooBest Filterwool blue, extra coarse in 2018:
I use it as the starting point of the sump filter and it does a very good hold
Show all reviews (3)