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ZooBest Filter Foam for Tetra External Filter EX/EXPlus USA

ZooBest Filter Foam for Tetra External Filter EX/EXPlus

ZooBest Filter Foam for Tetra External Filter EX/EXPlus

for Tetra EX/Plus 400/600/700/800/1200
✔ in stock, delivery until 10.06. - 12.06.
 400/600/700/800 4.29 EUR 
 1200 4.59 EUR 

Price including VAT plus shipping costs
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  • ZooBest Filter Foam pad coarse (10 PPI) for your Tetra external filter, precisely punched and of first-class quality. For biological filtration of the aquarium water. Content: 2x filter foma pad. Please choose the right soze for your filter:

    Tetra external filter EX 400/600/700 as well as EX Plus 600/800
    Tetra external filter EX 1200 as well as EX Plus 1200

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