Tropical Ketapang Extract is a sea almond leaves extract (Terminalia catappa) for establishing water conditions that facilitate breeding of ornamental fish and shrimps. Releases natural tannins and humic acids to create living conditions similar to those in which blackwater fish live.
Tropical Ketapang Extract is a sea almond leaves extract (Terminalia catappa) for establishing water conditions that facilitate breeding of ornamental fish and shrimps. Releases natural tannins and humic acids to create living conditions similar to those in which blackwater fish live. Prophylactic properties of sea almond leaves have been used in natural medicine for centuries. Asian ornamental fish breeders use sea almond leaves to protect the eggs, which increases the hatch and survival rates. In tanks, where sea almond leaves are used, skin problems occur only occasionally. One rarely observes fish rubbing against elements of equipment or decorations. The decrease in the number of fish suffering from diseases caused by microorganisms has also been noted. Fish and shrimps living in water with sea almond leaves extract show better coloration, condition and readiness to spawn.
Tropical Ketapang Extract effectively protects the eggs, accelerates the regeneration of epidermis, mucus coating and fins of the fish.
Dosage & Applicatoon of Tropical Ketapang Extract:
Add 20 ml (1 capful) per 100 l of water or until the water takes the desirable colour. Use after each total and partial change of water, after transportation and during acclimatization of fish to new conditions - the times when they are particularly susceptible to skin abrasions and cuts. May be used simultaneously with Torfin Complex, Querex and Blacklarin. Tropical Ketapang Extract does not work in hard water. It does not harm useful filtration bacteria. -