Seachem Zeolite is a highly effective filter medium for removing ammonia and other contaminants from aquarium water. It consists of natural zeolite which, due to its porous structure, effectively binds unwanted substances and thus improves water quality. Particularly suitable for freshwater aquariums, Seachem Zeolite helps reduce fish stress and promotes a healthy aquarium environment.
Application Seachem Zeolite
For best results, Seachem Zeolite should be rinsed before use and placed so as to maximize the flow of water through it but not so that it tumbles against itself in flow. It may be used in a canister filter, media chamber, box filter, or any high flow area of a trickle filter. Use of a filter bag such as Seachem The Bag or Zip Bag is recommended. Use 250 mL of Seachem Zeolite for every 200 L of aquarium water. For smaller aquariums, the equivalent dose is 5 mL (1 level teaspoon) per 4 L. This amount of Seachem Zeolite will remove up to 0.5 mg/L ammonia. Monitor ammonia levels, which should drop to zero within 24-48 hours. At this point, the zeolite can be removed or replaced with activated carbon, such as Seachem MatrixCarbon. For heavy metals removal, leave in service and replace monthly. For long term ammonia control, use Seachem Stability and Matrix. -