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Prodibio Iodi+ USA

Prodibio Iodi++ is an iodine/iodide compound that contains all the forms of iodine required for coral development and coloration. One ampoule of Iodi+ contains 76 mg of iodine. This allows you to control the quantity of Iodine you are adding in your tank.

Prodibio Iodi+

Prodibio Iodi+

Iodine supplement for reef aquariums
✔ in stock, delivery until 22.07. - 24.07.
 6 Ampoules 11.00 EUR 
 12 Ampoules 15.60 EUR 
 30 Ampoules 26.50 EUR 

Price including VAT plus shipping costs
Shipping to USA (change region)

  • Prodibio Iodi+ is an iodine/iodide compound that contains all the forms of iodine required for coral development and coloration. One ampoule of Iodi+ contains 76 mg of iodine. This allows you to control the quantity of Iodine you are adding in your tank. odine performs a very important role as a trace element in the aquarium environment. Invertebrates need it for coloration and for adapting to lighting variations. Then it helps combat coral bleaching and neutralize the excess oxygen produced by zooxanthellae under excessive lighting. It is eliminated by the algae and invertebrates in the aquarium, by the protein skimmer and the active carbon, and by dispersion into the atmosphere.

    Dosage for Prodibio Iodi+:
    One ampoule per 400 litres of water every two weeks.

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