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PREIS Organ Planer Plus 7 contains seven carefully coordinated substances for plant aquariums (freshwater) and fresh water preparation. Organ Planer Plus 7 eliminates the detrimental effects of source water (tap water) immediately upon application, thus avoiding damage to the mucous membranes of fish. Organ Planer Plus 7 delivers all important nutrients required by aquatic plants through the roots and leaves, promoting abundant growth. These nutrients are kept available to the plants in the water at all times using a procedure based on the latest scientific findings. Fish develop a greater resistance to disease and recover more quickly from transportation lesions. Spawning is enhanced by special additives in the product which also ensure homogenous growth of the brood.
Dosage: 20 ml per 100 l of water once weekly.
Reviews for PREIS Organ Planer Plus 7:
Write a reviewFrank A. at 12.01.2016:
Organ Planer Plus 7 wird von mir als preiswertes Wasseraufbereitungsmittel beim Wasserwechsel geschätzt. Auch bei empfindlichen Schmetterlingsbuntbarschen habe ich noch nie Probleme gehabt und die Düngewirkung für die Wasserpflanzen ist gut.