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Fish Food & Artemia > Fish Food > JBL
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Multivitamins for aquarium fish
7.59 €*
JBL Atvitol
for neon tetras & other small characins
from 1.95 €*
JBL ProNovo Neon Grano XXS
for all small barbs & danionins
from 1.99 €*
JBL ProNovo Danio Grano XS
flakes for guppies & other livebearers
from 3.79 €*
JBL ProNovo Guppy Flakes S

granules for guppies & other livebearers
from 5.29 €*
JBL ProNovo Guppy Grano S
food flakes in size S for fighting fish
from 1.59 €*
JBL ProNovo Betta Flakes S
food granules in size S for fighting fish
from 1.95 €*
JBL ProNovo Betta Grano S
food sticks in size S for fighting fish
from 1.95 €*
JBL ProNovo Betta Insect Stick S

for all gouramis and other labyrinth fish
7.85 €*
JBL ProNovo Gourami Grano S
granulated aquarium staple food for killifish
4.95 €*
JBL ProNovo Killifish Grano S
food sticks in size S for all aquarium fish
from 1.95 €*
JBL ProNovo Insect Sticks S
food tablets for all aquarium fish
from 5.85 €*
JBL ProNovo Tab M

food tablets for all loaches
from 6.29 €*
JBL ProNovo Botia Tab M
tablets with wood content for herbivorous sucker catfish
from 4.29 €*
JBL ProNovo Pleco Wafer M
tablets with wood content for herbivorous sucker catfish
from 8.49 €*
JBL ProNovo Pleco Wafer XL
granulated aquarium main food for shrimps
from 4.59 €*
JBL ProNovo Shrimps Grano S

wafers for crabs, crayfish and coral shrimps
from 4.59 €*
JBL ProNovo Crabs Wafer M
main food flakes in size S
2.79 €*
JBL ProNovo Bel Flakes S
main food flakes in size M
from 2.79 €*
JBL ProNovo Bel Flakes M
granulates staple food in size XXS
5.39 €*
JBL ProNovo Bel Grano XXS

granulates staple food in size XS
5.39 €*
JBL ProNovo Bel Grano XS
granulates staple food in size S
from 4.95 €*
JBL ProNovo Bel Grano S
granulates staple food in size M
8.49 €*
JBL ProNovo Bel Grano M
sticks for goldfish in size S
from 1.95 €*
JBL ProNovo Red Insect Sticks S

Holiday food for goldfish and veiltails
2.39 €*
JBL ProNovo Red Holiday
flakes for goldfish in size M
from 2.49 €*
JBL ProNovo Red Flakes M
granules for goldfish in size M
from 2.89 €*
JBL ProNovo Red Grano M
granulated staple food size S for veiltails
3.79 €*
JBL ProNovo Fantail Grano S

granulated staple food size M for veiltails
from 3.79 €*
JBL ProNovo Fantail Grano M
Spirulina green food flakes in size M
from 3.49 €*
JBL ProNovo Spirulina Flakes M
Spirulina green food granules in size S
5.29 €*
JBL ProNovo Spirulina Grano S
Spirulina green food granules in size M
8.95 €*
JBL ProNovo Spirulina Grano M

colour food flakes in size M
from 3.49 €*
JBL ProNovo Color Flakes M
colour food granules in size S for tropical fish
5.29 €*
JBL ProNovo Color Grano S
colour food granules in size M for tropical fish
8.85 €*
JBL ProNovo Color Grano M
granulated staple food for small axolotls
3.99 €*
JBL ProNovo Lotl Grano S

granulated staple food for medium sized axolotls
5.85 €*
JBL ProNovo Lotl Grano M
granulated staple food for large sized axolotls
5.85 €*
JBL ProNovo Lotl Grano XL
food flakes for predatory east african cichlids
from 5.95 €*
JBL ProNovo Tanganyika Flakes M
food granulate for predatory east african cichlids
from 8.95 €*
JBL ProNovo Tanganyika Grano M

food flakes for growth-feeding east african cichlids
from 5.85 €*
JBL ProNovo Malawi Flakes M
food granulate for growth-feeding east african cichlids
from 8.85 €*
JBL ProNovo Malawi Grano M
granulated aquarium staple food for small cichlids
from 5.39 €*
JBL ProNovo Cichlid Grano S
granulated aquarium staple food for all cichlids
from 9.29 €*
JBL ProNovo Cichlid Grano M

granulated aquarium staple food for large cichlids
18.95 €*
JBL ProNovo Cichlid Grano XL
Granulated aquarium staple food for small discus
from 9.29 €*
JBL ProNovo Bits Discus Grano S
Granulated aquarium staple food for all discus
from 9.29 €*
JBL ProNovo Bits Discus Grano M
Artemia treats for all ornamental fish
from 4.95 €*
JBL ProNovo Artemio

Water fleas as a treat for all ornamental fish
3.99 €*
JBL ProNovo Daph
Tubifex as a treat for all ornamental fish
from 4.29 €*
JBL ProNovo Fex
Red blood worms as treats for all fish
from 6.85 €*
JBL ProNovo Fil
liquid rearing food for young aquarium fish
5.59 €*
JBL ProNovo Bel Fluid

Rearing food set for juveniles of viviparous fish
6.29 €*
JBL ProNovo Bel Flakes Baby
powdered food for juvenile fish in the aquarium
6.29 €*
JBL ProNovo Bel Grano Baby
for predatory cichlids
from 5.89 €*
JBL Novo Tanganjika
food for crustaceans
from 4.59 €*
JBL NovoCrabs

for cichlides from the east african lakes
from 5.49 €*
JBL NovoRift
100 % natural food
from 6.59 €*
JBL PlanktonPur S
100 % natural food
from 6.59 €*
JBL PlanktonPur M
staple food for diskus and other fastidious fishes
from 12.29 €*
JBL Grana Discus

with 10% Krill
from 5.89 €*
JBL Grana Cichlid
ideal supplement food
from 6.79 €*
JBL NovoFil blood worms
supplement food with 20% Krill
from 3.89 €*
JBL Krill
supplement food Daphnien
3.89 €*
JBL NovoDaph

Baby food set for fry of live-beares
5.79 €*
JBL NovoBaby 3x 10 ml
with click-doser - easy to dispense
from 4.89 €*
JBL Novo GranoVert mini
for algae-eating fish
from 7.49 €*
JBL Spirulina
main food in perl form for gold fish
from 2.69 €*
JBL NovoPearl

staple food for betta
3.89 €*
JBL NovoBetta
Food tablets for armored catfish
6.49 €*
JBL ProNovo Corydoras Tab M
available soon
for algae eating cichlids
from 5.69 €*
JBL Novo Malawi
available soon

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