EHEIM professionel 4+ 350
- Premium class external filters with all the advantages of the professionel 3 series
- Additional control function (Xtender) to counteract blocked filter media and extend intervals between cleaning
- Square canister for high stability and large filter volume
- High flow capacity with low energy consumption
- Adjustable pump output
- High performance ceramic axle guarantees quiet running and durability
- Integrated self priming aid to initially prime the filter
- Safety hose adapter can only be removed when the valves are closed
- Top prefilter effectively traps large dirt particles and allows for longer service intervals. Simple to remove and easy to clean.
- Individually filter baskets with EHEIM Easy Clean grid
- Fully equipped with original EHEIM filter media and installation accessories
technical data EHEIM professionel 4+ 350 -2273-
for fresh and marine water aquaria from 180 to 350 litres
max. pump output: 1050 l/h (adjustable)
pump height: 1.80 m
filter volume: 5.00 l
prefilter volume: 0.50 l
canister volume: 7.40 l
power consumption: 16 watts
hose size 16/22 pressure and suction side
Dimensions (width x height x depth): 238 x 398 x 244 mm
incl. Original EHEIM installation accessories
incl. Original EHEIM filter media
the filter comes complete and ready to useWith the new professionel 4+ series, EHEIM once again sets high standards in aquarium filter technology. Many of the details and useful functions have been taken over from the previous filter model, the professionel 3. The most striking feature of the new professionel 4+ external filter is the emergency button "Xtender". This button makes it possible to have a little more time until the next cleaning of the external filter is carried out. Who of us aquarists isnt familiar with this problem? Always when we have the least time the water throughput is low and the filter is blocked calling for an immediate cleaning. Using the emergency button "Xtender" you will gain a few more days without any adverse effect on the biological filtration capacity. The gradually adjustable Xtender button makes the water pass partly around the microfilter inside the filter system so that the water throughput is restored and the aquarium filter goes on working as usual. The new EHEIM professionel 4+ and its installation fittings come in fashionable anthracite colour. Apart from that, the EHEIM professionel 4+ retains lots of useful details known from its predecessor including the integrated suction aid for the filter start, the integrated stop valves, the large-volume pre-cleaner, the security hose adapter, and the Easy-Clean function. The high-class ceramic shafts and bearings ensure a very silent operation of the external filter for many years. The EHEIM professionel 4+ is definitely the best external aquarium filter currently on the market. All the extensive experience of the inventor of the aquarium filter is built into this model: uncompromising quality, high-quality materials and workmanship, useful and sophisticated functions - this is what the label "Made in Germany" stands for.
- Premium class external filters with all the advantages of the professionel 3 series
- Accessories for this article:
On this page you can order spare parts for your EHEIM external filter professionel 4+ 350 -2273-. Please click on the spare part description in the table, or the piece number in the picture for selecting a spare part. -
Reviews for EHEIM professionel 4+ 350:
Write a reviewRudy Z. at 26.09.2022:
An excellent service!Dmitry V. at 09.02.2021:
Замечательный фильтр. Долго выбирал, задача была найти фильтр с минимальными шумами и высокой степенью очистки. Покупка была в августе 2019 года, работает, претензий нет.
На входе поставил Eheim Prefilter. При регулярной чистке префильтра (раз в 10 дней) текстильная губка практически не засоряется, можно менять раз в 5 месяцев, проверено.
Замечательный фильтр, приобретайте и не сомневайтесь. Рекомендую!Вячесла& at 21.07.2020:
Компрессор пришел в идеальном состоянии.Упаковано было все отлично.Все работает фильтром очень доволен.Igor P. at 05.05.2020:
Работает тихо, поток мощный. На выходе поставил LiliPipe тоже от Eheim. Очень удобный механизм для снятия адаптера со шлангами. Наполнители все в комплекте.
Фильтр сделан очень продуманно и качественно, это приятно.Iliya G. at 03.05.2020:
Заказываю данный фильтр не первый раз, отличная честно заявленная производительность, долговечность работы и тишина во время эксплуатации очень радует. Рекомендую.Sergey &. at 22.10.2019:
Отличный фильтр, бесшумный, вода кристально чистая. Рекомендую!Sergey at 22.10.2019:
Спасибо! Это отличныйИван &. at 14.10.2019:
Отличный, тихий, надежный фильтр, трудится 3 года в 180 литровом аквариуме чистит на ура, второй купил на 300 литровый в пару к EHEIM prof 4+600. Рекомендую фильтр и магазин.Евгений at 17.09.2019:
Отличный фильтр, берите не сомневайтесь!Petr N. at 13.03.2019:
Фильтр понравился, внушает доверие и что самое главное, работает очень тихо. Рекомендую!
Спасибо большое!Tobias M. at 10.09.2018:
Zuverlässiger Filter, geräuscharm und unkompliziert im Handling. Absolut empfehlenswert...Anonymous at 23.05.2017:Semyon L. at 31.03.2017:
A very good filter.Though I don't like the sound of the pump when it starts, it makes some terrible screeching sound.
Other than that, it has a very good flow and comfortable access to filter media.
So I am very glad I purchased it.
Julia K. at 01.02.2017:
Excellent filter! The water is crystal clear. For a long time, does not require cleaningTerry S. at 19.11.2015:
Excellent filter operates silently, I an using it in a Juwel Vision 260 very good output level. EHEIM filter are the best you can buy.
- ian j. wrote about EHEIM professionel 4+ 350 in 2019:
I have a 140L tank and want a filter capable of dealing with fish solids and to give it more turbulence!Do you think this filter be ok or too big.I have a eheim internal bio power 200 at present and with only feeding once a day-the filter does not seem to be filtering small solid waste from tetras.Any advice would be welcomed have had fish for 30 years, but need to purchase one that is on top of the filtration.
Aquaristikshop.com: This filter would be a very good choice for for your tank. The EHEIM professionel 4+ has a large prefilter and its pump is very powerful. You can control the flow rate by using the tap on the pressure side.- Rudy Z. wrote about EHEIM professionel 4+ 350 in 2022:
An excellent service!
Dmitry V. wrote about EHEIM professionel 4+ 350 in 2021:
Замечательный фильтр. Долго выбирал, задача была найти фильтр с минимальными шумами и высокой степенью очистки. Покупка была в августе 2019 года, работает, претензий нет.
Igor P. wrote about EHEIM professionel 4+ 350 in 2020:
Работает тихо, поток мощный. На выходе поставил LiliPipe тоже от Eheim. Очень удобный механизм для снятия адаптера со шлангами. Наполнители все в комплекте.
Фильтр сделан очень про&...
Show all reviews (15)
- ian j. wrote about EHEIM professionel 4+ 350 in 2019:
I have a 140L tank and want a filter capable of dealing with fish solids and to give it more turbulence!Do you think this filter be ok or too big.I have a eheim internal bio power 200 at present and with only feeding once a day-the filter does not seem to be filtering small solid waste from tetras.Any advice would be welcomed have had fish for 30 years, but need to purchase one that is on top of the filtration.
Aquaristikshop.com: This filter would be a very good choice for for your tank. The EHEIM professionel 4+ has a large prefilter and its pump is very powerful. You can control the flow rate by using the tap on the pressure side.
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